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Graduating from William College in 2014

I grew up in Framingham, MA, and graduated from Williams College in 2014 with degrees in Political Economy and Environmental Policy. I’ve always been curious about pretty much everything, and my main goal in life is just to keep learning. I began helping my peers with their academics early on in my school years and continued developing my tutoring skills informally through college. After some initial experimentation, I decided to start tutoring professionally full-time in 2016. I’ve done a lot of work since then to expand my range of offerings, and I am tremendously grateful to my students, who have given me

countless opportunities to learn

new material and become a better

teacher along the way.



When I’m not tutoring, I spend as much time as I can playing outside. I love hiking, trail running, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, rock climbing, mountain biking, trail work, and ultimate frisbee, and am always eager to acquire new outdoor skills. When my body tells me it’s time to be done, I enjoy reading and writing, board games, meditation, dancing, cooking, and pestering my friends to teach me the things they’re good at.

Hiking at Capitol Reef National Park
View from the north rim of the Grand Canyon
Sunset at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
Skiing at Alta in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah
Reading at the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge
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